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Electronic Key Cabinet Instructions

Electronic Key Cabinet Instructions

Thank you for purchasing a Electronic Key Cabinet equipped with digital key pad
To open safe
Insert override key and turn counter clockwise and turn knob counter clockwise
Insert batteries
Slide the battery compartment off
Insert (4 AA) batteries
Program personal code
With door open and lock in the locked position

  •  Press the RED button located at the bottom corner of battery compartment
  •  YELLOW light will come on - enter your new code (3-8 digits) within 30 seconds followed by A or B. Your personal code is set

Opening with personal code
Enter your personal code followed by A or B

  • Green light will be on for 5 seconds
  •  Turn knob to unlock position

To lock ensure knob and override key are in the locked position
If incorrect code is entered 3 times in a row, the electronic system will shut down for 20 seconds. If wrong code is entered 3 times in a row, system will shut down for 5 minutes. The override key will continue to work.


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